I remember the words he said when the pastor asked him why he wanted to be baptized:
"Because Jesus died on the cross for MY sins and rose three days later"
My son knew Jesus. My son loved the Lord. My son believed in the gospel with everything he was.
My son also struggled with mental illness and eventually lost his battle with this terrible disease and took his own life.
My son is now with his Savior. But, selfishly, I want him here with me.
Death is not the end for Logan, but it is the end of a chapter in my life that I was not ready to be done with. I wanted years and years to fill those pages with stories of my only son growing up, graduating high school, making his way in this world.
But, in the end, I know that he was not meant for this world. This world was not his home; he is home now with the Lord.
This is the first of many holidays that will be bittersweet, or just plain painful. Today, we are worshiping our Savior in our own way (not entirely sure church will be involved in that). We have no plans other than possibly going to church. We will spend time together. We will rest physically and mentally, safe in the knowledge that Logan is home in Heaven. We will eat corned beef and cabbage (I know-more St. Patrick's Day than Easter, but the Irish in me has been craving it!). We will talk about what we love about Logan and what we miss about him.
6 He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: 7 ‘The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.’ ” - Luke 24:6-7
If you do not know the power of Christ's love, the depth and width of it. If you have not heard or understood the Gospel of Christ, please reach out to your local church or send me a private message. Logan was never afraid to share his faith and neither are we. We honor our son by continuing his work of sharing the Gospel.
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